I've made it no secret on this blog before, I am a die-hard DC Comics fan. So it should come a no surprise that an article about my favorite characters will be very DC-centric. I have always enjoyed DC's characters, costumes and creators more than any other publisher. There are some Marvel and even some independent characters on this list but they are few and far between. Once again they are in no particular order, except the first three.
Batman- Without a doubt, hands down, my all-time favorite character. There is the costume of course, a classic in every sense of the word. As with most superhero costumes, it probably wouldn't work in the real world but we're not talking about the real world are we? Bill Finger knew what he was doing he helped Bob Kane's rough ideas take shape into what would become Batman. The character of Bruce Wayne is compelling as well. That someone was so traumatized by personal tragedy that they would train themselves to the pinnacle of human perfection just so no one else would have to suffer the same fate is inspirational. I've always had a problems with writers who felt compelled to explain that Batman/Bruce must be borderline psycho/ sociopath and mentally unstable to do what he does. I've just always felt that he was an incredibly driven individual who would have been the best at whatever he tried to accomplish. Fate made him what he is. I lost my Mother when I was forty-one and not to violent crime but to natural causes. There is an ache and an absence that can't be filled even four years later. I can understand not wanting others to feel the loss and pain he's felt all these years. it is that loss and pain that drives him.

Superman- Not only does he have the ultimate in superpowers, he also uses them to do the right thing for no other reason than it's the right thing to do. Like Siegel and Shuster, I am originally from Ohio so that doesn't hurt either. It would be so easy to think only of oneself and one's wants and desires if one had Superman's powers. It would be so easy to get what you wanted when you wanted it. Who could stop you? Instead, Superman does whats right, unselfishly and for the betterment of mankind. He was, as they say, "raised right". Back in 1986 when John Byrne and crew revamped the Man of Steel I just knew I was going to hate it. I always liked Byrne's art but didn't see the sense in changing what had worked for fifty plus years or so. I couldn't have been more wrong. I loved that the Kent's were still alive and able to interact with their son. It showed where he got his ideas of truth, justice and the American way. I was also glad that the hand wringing and lamenting over Krypton was gone. I was so sick and tired over his wanting Krypton back =choke=. The one thing I didn't like was that Superman and Batman were dismissive and antagonistic towards each other. I prefer for the two to be staunch friends. The Superman/ Batman comic of recent years shows how their relationship can be realistically and satisfactorily written.

Dick Grayson- I've always liked Batman and Robin but it wasn't until The New Teen Titans that I developed a man crush on Dick Grayson. If everyone is done snickering now, can we move on? The way Wolfman and Perez portrayed Grayson made him a character to be looked up to and not just a sidekick. No one made Robin look better in that costume than George Perez. He made short pants look intimidating. I was less than thrilled when Grayson gave up being Robin to become Nightwing (I'm not much for change). But Wolfman and Perez handled it well and continued their great characterization of Grayson. He has now become an integral and well loved part of the DC universe.
Captain America- Another character that does the right thing just because it's the right thing to do. Cap represents the best of what America stands for, at least he did when America actually stood for something. That may be one reason why I've never cared for the Ultimates version of Cap. He was just a self-glorifying bully who represents the worst of what America stands for. Give me the 616 version of Cap over that "Ultimate" asshole any day ( I assume that's what his "A" stands for).
Hawkeye- My second favorite Marvel character. I don't really know what it is about him that I like so well but I just enjoy watching him try to prove himself to everyone else when he has nothing to prove. He so badly wants to be equal to Cap that he doesn't realize he already is. Mark Gruenwald's mini-series was one of the first Marvel stories I bought so that may be why Hawkeye holds such a special place for me.
The Avengers- Marvel's ultimate team. Just like the JLA- they've had highs and lows, strong rosters and incredibly lame ones, but when done right few teams are better (Cough--JLA--Cough). The Marvel Essential series is a must read for Avengers fans and I'm eagerly awaiting number eight this year.
The JLA- The superhero team supreme...period. From the big seven to the satellite years- pound for pound the greatest heroes on earth- any earth(Detroit didn't happen on Earth-Tobi). The greatest collection of heroes the world has ever seen. The Showcase Presents series needs to kick back in gear so I can recollect all the comics I've sold over the years.
The Legion Of Super-Heroes- My second favorite team. This is another series DC needs to get in gear with the Showcase Presents reprints. Such a rich history and legacy. Great characters, great creators, great story-lines.
JSA/ All-Star Squadron- The original super team. From Paul Levitz's seventies revival to Roy Thomas' eighties series to Geoff John's resurgence, this classic team stands the test of time. Whether in their prime or training the next generation of heroes, few do it better than these "golden-oldies".
Madman- The MIke Allred original has been one of my favorites since I first saw him all these many years ago. Allred's quirky art and hipster hero stands out from the pack and brings a breath of fresh air to the comics medium. I always look forward to what's next for Frank Einstein.
Green Arrow- I am not a knee-jerk liberal like Oliver QueenNor am I a dirty old man like he's been portrayed in later years, but there is just something about this character I like. I loved his re-design by Neal Adams. His costume and interactions with other heroes just works for me.
Green Lantern- Hal Jordan, the cool assertive space-cop is the one I know and love. The desperate, alcoholic, mass murdering loser you can keep. Why we have to give all our heroes feet of clay to portray them "realistically" is beyond me. Fearless, cocky and a bit arrogant is the way to portray Hal Jordan.
Starman/Jack Knight- Without a doubt my favorite "new" character. James Robinson had a true magnum opus with this series and this character. There was not a moment I didn't thoroughly enjoy this series. I really was saddened when it was over and still wish Jack Knight would come swooping back in the comic stores.
The Spirit- Is it Denny Colt or Will Eisner that makes me love this character so much? Maybe its equal parts of both. All I know is that Eisner wrote and drew stories that still resonate many, many years later. From such a simple ides came such mastery and uniqueness that it boggles the mind. A true original of the form.
Fables- No one character plays a larger or more important role than the next. A true ensemble book. Familiar and comfortable characters brought to life in new and exciting ways. I've enjoyed and eagerly awaited each new trade as it comes out. Willingham and his artists(Mark Buckingham et al) are true geniuses.
Well, I believe I need to bring this to a close. Oh there are many other characters, teams and books I like that I could go on and on and on and on and on( you get the idea). I could write about Iron Man, Thor, The Fantastic Four, The New Teen Titans, The eighties Uncanny X-Men, Preacher, Firestorm, Red Tornado, J'onn J'onzz, Wolverine, Spiderman, The Flash, Aquaman, Ambush Bug and many, many more.
Suffice it to say that I love comics. I love Superhero comics. And, mainly, I love DC Comics.
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